
Vaginal Discharge


Vaginal discharge is a completely normal occurrence. It happens both on days you’re not menstruating and the days you are menstruating.

Like all bodily discharges, vaginal discharge indicates what is happening inside our bodies. You need to pay attention to the color, texture and odor because if it’s different from your usual discharge, that signals a problem.

What is vaginal discharge made of? Is it colorless period blood?

This is a misconception among many people and they panic over it. Your vagina is a self-cleaning organ. It consists of vaginal cells and bacteria. The vagina releases them in fluid form and keeps itself clean.

Vaginal Discharge before your period

You must’ve noticed that on days leading up to your period, the discharge is thicker. It is released more often as well. When you’re in the pre-ovulation period, your vagina releases more mucus.

During this time, your pants might get ruined so wearing panty liners is a good option. The discharge amount varies according to menstruation, flow, contraceptives and sexual activity.

You will release white and thick discharge before and at the end of your menstrual cycle. However, if there is white discharge and itching, this could be a sign of yeast infection.

Some people also release pink vaginal discharge during this time. The white discharge gets mixed with period spotting blood and creates a light hue.

Regular Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge is generally transparent or white and has no odor. The texture is a bit sticky and can be dense or thin. Normally your body will release 4ml discharge per day.


Transparent discharge with different textures indicates different things.

Watery texture happens after heavy physical work. Clear dense discharge happens when you’re ovulating. If it smells bad or fishy, this can mean bacterial vaginosis.


You may also have a brown discharge which is your body releasing older period blood. This happens when your period is ending. Spotting happens right before your period. It can occur during pregnancy too. But, if it happens when you’re supposed to get your period, do a pregnancy test.

However, if the discharge is brown and bloody with a bad smell, this can be a sign of cervical cancer. If you have pelvic pain and irregular bleeding as well, you must get a physician consultation.


Beside the days leading up to your period, you can also have pink or light red discharge. Implantation during early pregnancy can cause light bleeding which leads to pink discharge. Moreover, uterine line shedding after pregnancy can result in pink discharge too.

Green/ Yellowish

If your vaginal discharge is green or yellowish, this is a sign of infection. This type of discharge is accompanied by a foul smell, such as rotten cheese or fish. The texture is extremely, almost clump-like. This can also mean STDs like Gonorrhoea or Trichomoniasis.   

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