


Rita and her partner are sexually active. She doesn’t want to be pregnant. So, she takes an emergency or after pill after each time. She started experiencing severe cramps after a few months. Suddenly she fell pregnant despite taking the emergency pill.

Tasfia and her husband don’t want children now. They use the pull-out method during intercourse. She became pregnant two months later. This hampers her future plan and she doesn’t know what to do.

Both scenarios have something in common. Can you guess what it is?

Rita, Tasfia and their partners didn’t have sufficient knowledge about birth control. They used faulty methods and now they are pregnant-something they wanted to avoid at all costs.

When you’re sexually active, that comes with responsibilities. Unless you’re trying to conceive, using contraceptives is necessary!

There are several types of contraceptives available. Surely, you’ll be able to find one that suits you best.

Before we start, remember that the emergency pill is effective but when used seldom or once each cycle. If used frequently, you can fall pregnant. Furthermore, the pullout method is a gamble mostly. There’s always a chance it wasn’t executed properly.


One of the common types we hear about is the condom. It is made of latex and used over the penis or inside the vagina. Condom is a wonderful contraceptive because it is 85-99% effective. It also helps to prevent STIs. They can be found in pharmacies and require no prescription.

Birth control pills

Another popular contraceptive is birth control pills. These require a prescription from doctors. These hormonal pills have oestrogen or progesterone or a mix of both. Depending on the hormone type, the pill style differs too. You need to take it daily. These pills prevent eggs from leaving the ovaries. Meaning there’s no egg to fertilize in the tubes. The uterus lines become thinner too. Birth control pills are good for preventing painful periods, cramps, and extreme bleeding.


If you feel like taking daily pills is too much of a hassle, you may consider exploring the option of an IUD (Intrauterine Device). An IUD is a small, wire-like object that is inserted into your uterus to prevent the eggs from meeting sperm and thereby prevent pregnancy.

Hormonal Injection

You can consider hormonal injection contraception as an option. Each shot is effective for three months, so you will need four shots per year. This method can be a suitable choice for individuals who already have children and are looking for a longer-term contraceptive solution

Skin Patch & Vaginal Ring

If you prefer shorter intervals between contraceptive methods, consider the skin patch and vaginal ring. The skin patch requires weekly changes to maintain effectiveness. Vaginal rings are inserted into the upper part of your vagina and should be removed after 21 days. On the 28th day, a new ring should be inserted.


For individuals who have already had multiple children or have decided not to have children, sterilization is a permanent contraceptive option. This method eliminates all chances of becoming pregnant.

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